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Certified and internationally recognised programmes.
24/7 learning management support to meet all worldwide client-convenient timeframes.
Content curation for directive learning modes.
Creative frames for acceleration of learning.
Ideation transformation.
More than 7,000 hours of e-learning in 8 different time-zones.
Learning performance measurement, evaluation, and analytics.
Advanced andragogy.
Online learning or e-learning has already become the next paradigm in training and education delivery, and is growing rapidly in popularity, as well as scope, efficacy, and depth.

With over two thirds of the world’s population able to access the internet, the opportunity to effect real change through education, for both select decision makers and broader populations, has never been greater.

TTT has been an early adopter of online learning technologies, using it internally for our own staff as well as implementing online learning solutions for clients such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), amongst others. TTT manages the full online learning experience, from initial training needs analysis and selection of learning tools and modalities, bespoke materials development, through implementation management and monitoring.


  • Synchronous/Asynchronous
  • Professional
  • Academic
  • Soft Skills
  • Workflow Skills
  • Personal Development
  • English Language

Modes of Delivery

  • Off-The-Shelf
  • Customised-To-Needs
  • Self-Paced Online Learning
  • Instructor-Led Training
  • Audio/Video
  • Interactive Modules
  • Gamification
  • Face-To-Face Online
  • Multiple LMS Support
  • Mobile Learning
  • Mentoring
  • e-Coaching
  • AI Coaching